Loan house for museums

The possibilities of understanding art are actually infinite in this day and age. There are different approaches, from and for each another. The exhibition Codigo Universo offers a different new approach. A system for everyone.

There is no art historical knowledge necessary and yet this exhibition allows an unexpected expansion of consciousness for the viewer. The Codigo Universo is intended to reduce fears and reverence for the greats of art history. It should help to understand why innovation is important and how creativity can provide the key to prosperity.

On behalf of Joseph Beuys, the viewer is brought closer to the different levels of a work of art, piece by piece. The exhibition sees itself as a first entry as well as a pioneer project of this kind.

It is important to share experience of this kind and not to tie it to one place. Therefore, we offer the Codigo Universo exhibition i = E = MC2 on loan to museums that share our view.

For more information about the permanent touring exhibition Codigo Universo, visit: